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Teell33 (1 августа 2024 13:03) №331
ребят а кто знает как выйти на концовку "Байнарда"?
lambda (22 декабря 2023 18:43) №329
Early Christmas Presents!

Since I will be away shortly to see family for Christmas I figured it would be a good idea to leave some presents first! Chandra, Katie, and Gloria I think would be nice to find under the tree!
Went with a big selection of sizes. We have 5 landscape shots, 3 portrait shots with a girl each, and 1 shot made for ultra wide screen monitors. Yes, wallpapers galore :) All shots are listed below, so you can download them easily.

Now, there won't be an update next week for obvious reasons. Probably have to watch Die Hard with my mom or something. The horror, I know :p So, besides that, I hope you guys have a great time over the Holidays, have fun with your families, relax, and stay safe.

As always, stay awesome!
Oh, and Merry Christmas!

lambda (13 апреля 2023 12:32) №327
lambda (25 декабря 2022 18:45) №325
Merry Christmas Guys

I wanted to go with the idea that your wife/girlfriend got you a couple gifts on Christmas morning :p
Everything is posted down below, and all in 4k.

Enjoy guys, and again have a great holiday!
Teell33 (30 ноября 2022 21:45) №324
Ещё одна вроде будет
Северянин (26 сентября 2022 15:13) №323
Чувак, ну что там по контенту и законченности? 12 глава последняя или ещё нет?
lambda (3 сентября 2022 13:17) №322
lambda (15 августа 2022 08:05) №321
[color=#990000]Dev Update #136[/color]

AH OH! Those two meeting may not go down well!

So, not to shabby this week. I am a little behind where I was hoping to be today, but nothing crazy. I was planning to be done writing by tomorrow but most likely will be Wednesday. Just a few scenes left but a couple are quite large, but the most complicated ones are complete.
Render work and such is winding down since I only have one scene left apart from pickups and the end which will be another series of animations that I will do during the proof and testing phase.

Also customs will be coming soon. Once writing is basically wrapped up I will drop a poll for that. I may want to do something very lewd again... Thinking... lol
Past that, things are shaping up well.

As always guys, stay awesome!
[color=#990000]Dev Update #135[/color]

I had to put Ellen in the same room with those two again. Sorry Ellen :p

Will keep this one quick, but still a good week. Sitting at 880 renders now and those will all be wrapped up in the next week or so. Also a ton of writing done and hoping to get the rest of the script done over the next week and change.
Said it would be quick! Now I want pizza!

As always guys, stay awesome!
lambda (2 августа 2022 13:55) №320
[color=#990000]Dev Update #134[/color]

I can't go that long without rendering the car! God I love it so much, it just needs some tender care currently.
So, not a bad week, doing a good mix of everything now till the end. We are now sitting at around 820 give or take a couple. Next up is animations. I have done 5 more brining that number up to 38 and I am also starting to play with some new tools for them, but that will take some time. Writing and code wise, things are still going strong and I hope to have things wrapped up in the next couple weeks on my end.
Now I think it is time for a beer.

As always guys, stay awesome!
lambda (25 июля 2022 10:01) №319
lambda (2 июля 2022 09:30) №318
[color=#990000]Happy Canada Day![/color]

Happy Canada Day my fellow Canucks! I probably spent more time on the can of beer than anything else in this image :p It is my favorite wide spread brand let us say. Also I can see Katie drinking a red. She does like to surprise us at times :)
I will have a companion shot in a few days for our brothers and sisters down south!

Enjoy the weekend everyone!
lambda (5 июня 2022 07:35) №316
lambda (12 мая 2022 19:19) №315
[color=#990000]Dev Update #127[/color]

I think everyone is okay with that :p
When I woke up this morning I remembered I was supposed to put the poll out the other day, sorry I got caught up! I will do that Monday.
Now, just so you know this last Monday I did take off, and in a couple weeks I will take a weekend off as well. Just want to keep you guys informed there, even though it should not have any big impact.

As for the update we are now at 470 renders and as you can tell we have hit a "scene." A pushup deal on Katie is HOT! We also have 4 new animations with another slated for over night. That brings us up to 21 animations. There will be a good mix of both this upcoming week.
Past that I think we are good to go, everything is working out. Again, boobs.

As always guys, stay awesome!
[color=#990000]Dev Update #126[/color]

Action time! This week was basically one big action sequence, so was quite fun to do. Just wrapped it up just a few minutes ago. Phew! Just doing Ghost things.

So, this week was mostly what I had planned from last. A decent amount of renders though most being pretty complicated due to the action elements. The count is now around 415.
Animation count is still the same at 17 but I will probably set one up tonight or tomorrow morning.
I also want to get the custom renders out early this month so expect a poll at the end of this week. Still need to figure out what options to post but that will get sorted.

As always guys, stay awesome!
Cupido (24 апреля 2022 22:25) №314
Классный сюжет классная графика анимации на высоте. И самое главное оригинальный сюжет.
Кстати когда герой входит в ИИ там появляется Карли представляется детективом-история взята с другой игры там проститутка помогает детективу разобраться с одним делом в конце при хэпиенде она становится его помощником-так что да не соврала по поводу детектива:)
lambda (24 апреля 2022 18:33) №313
[color=#990000]Dev Update #125[/color]

I hope you guys enjoyed those bunnies last week :p

So, this was a pretty standard week and powered through pretty well. Sitting around 360 renders now but I do need to do a bit of post work on a few of those. Also a few new animations have also been completed bringing that number up to 17.
Next week I want to crush a bunch of the script, so we will see where render count and such hits, but shouldn't change that much.

Sorry for the simple update but sometimes it just rolls that way.
As always guys, stay awesome!
lambda (17 апреля 2022 20:30) №312
[color=#990000]Happy Easter![/color]

lambda (17 апреля 2022 16:38) №311
lambda (23 марта 2022 13:05) №310
Dev Update #120

And back to it! New release is out and I hope you guys are enjoying it! I dove back in on Wednesday so not a huge update today but that is okay.
First, I have started writing as well as outlining everything for chapter 12. Next, sitting at 45 renders done and also waiting on my first animation which decided it wanted to take a very long time to run...

I also had to get a new laptop for writing and post work since my old one is starting to kick the bucket (battery has ballooned twice on me which I just gave up on after the second round and now the monitor keeps cutting out). Doing a slow transition over just to make sure it all goes smoothly, but just knowing everything is ported over is a relief.

Next on the list, is the poll for the comic is now out to everyone in the Augment tier and up. I will create that Monday night, and Tuesday and hopefully get that out by Wednesday. Then, after that we will do the monthly customs poll, so I can get those to you guys before the month is up.
Gonna be a busy week :p

As always guys, stay awesome!
lambda (13 марта 2022 08:19) №309
City of Broken Dreamers 1.11.0 Ch11

Игра PC:

Патч Ch10 -> Ch11:

Invoker DarkOverlord (13 марта 2022 02:08) №308
Что за + психолог? (если спойлер, то лучше просто скажите, что спойлер XD)
Sasha299 (1 марта 2022 16:05) №307
Выбрасывает ***)))
Sasha299 (1 марта 2022 16:05) №306
Ребят ну подскажите как бороться скачал игру вырастет через 10 секунд?
lambda (15 февраля 2022 08:58) №305
Dev Update #118

Okay, again I am going to keep this one quick and let you guys enjoy the weekend, and the Super Bowl if that is something you care about.

So, everything is on track. I will have the writing done this week. Also working on the last scene which should have all renders done by Wednesday. Then just some more cool animations after that. MC has a bike right now. I need to show that off :p
Once it goes to proof and testing I will do the poll for the comic as well. We are almost there!

As always guys, stay awesome!
lambda (11 февраля 2022 08:25) №304
Dev Update #117

I'll keep this one pretty quick since everything is on track from the last update. I think I have another week and change till we hit the testing and proofing stage. Also, been adding some nice pickups in order to flesh out some parts, as seen above. I think most will approve :)
So sitting around 900 renders now, as well as a lot more writing / code done. Keeping on track that I had planned out.
So yeah, that was quick :p

As always guys, stay awesome!
lambda (30 января 2022 05:23) №303
Dev Update #116

Okay, things are shaping up now. It is always strange for the first chunk when developing, then suddenly you can see it all coming together. Now hitting that stage. I think there are only two more weeks of heavy dev work then proof testing and such.
Sitting around 850 renders now, and will probably add 100 more give or take. I also have a few more animations I want to create that will be on the complex side of things, but those can wait till near the end.

As for the comic, I am going to wait till after the release. I wanted to do it this month but time wise it just was not there.

As always guys, stay awesome!
Dev Update #115

Okay, this was a solid week. The week before I don't think my brain was firing on all cylinders. This one was good progress on all fronts. Plus, a bunch of nice customs for the month, ghosts and up can check those out now. I just posted them before this.

So, this is were we stand now. Sitting at a little over 800 renders, also did a bunch of animations this week taking that count to an even 50. Did a little rework on a few items and also almost done the 2nd largest scene.
Also the pic posted above was part of a challenge that was put on me. You know who you are :p

As always guys, stay awesome!
Dev Update #114

So, not a bad week though I think I could have crammed more in but I will have to make do. I got the largest scene out of the way and working on a few others to push things together. A series of pick ups and a couple animations ( one of which was a challenge :p ) were also done but that was not my focus this last week.
Next week it is back to work on all fronts as well as the ass competition between Katie and Abby :)
Next week I will try to have a more robust update for you guys.

As always guys, stay awesome!
JN91 (18 января 2022 03:05) №302
так и не понял почему в некоторых сценах виктории и глории зрачки гуляют как им вздумается)
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